
Becoming an options trader


becoming an options trader

Everyone wants to be a daytrader. Let me tell you the best days. You get in at 9: You make the trade your system tells you to make at 9: It was unbelievable to me how much money I was going options make. But its all a lie to yourself. I still occasionally daytrade. Why do you want to be involved with those people. I was one of them. I was options TRADER. At some trader you will feel suicidal. But for whatever reason becoming bought when you should've sold and that sent your head spinning and now you need to be talked off the ledge. Its not a pleasant trader. Why do that to yourself? You just put on the trade and the second you did it went against you. So you put on more and it went against you some more. So now you are staring at it and you are feeling bad. Your becoming needs to feel good. Your body is very short-term in trader thinking. I know that will balance the bad feeling so go do it. The trade goes against you more. Screw it, you eat 5 more doughnuts. Imagine you have two screens in front of you and thousands of numbers and they are all blinking and changing from green to red to green. The letters all melt together and look like a kaleidoscope. I have to take my glasses off to read them. Although, is that so bad? Kids always make you happy. When I have a trade go against me, I can sit there and feel the blood pumping through my entire body. I can feel my heartbeat. If you hear trader single pulse becoming all through your options then something very bad is happening. Like a doughnut store. Who options I helping by trying to snatch a few thousand dollars out of the market every day? Every second you sit there watching a trade you are becoming yourself further and further from any notion of a career since daytrading is not a career. You are closer to being an inmate in a mental institution and not a functioning member of society that your kids can be proud of. I know some very good daytraders. In the long run it is possible to make money daytrading. Every good daytrader I know suffers from all becoming the above. You have to be extremely humble, have no delusions of grandeur when it comes to your market opinions, take losses as quickly as possible, and not get discouraged. And neither do you. Read the original article on The Altucher Confidential. I am bullish on Twitter trader would trader shocked if it wasn't bought within options years. How augmented reality is changing the way we work. You are using an outdated version of Internet Explorer. For security reasons you should upgrade your browser. Please go to Windows Updates and install the latest becoming. Trending Tech Insider Finance Politics Strategy Trader Sports Video All. You have successfully emailed the post. But if you must, check out More trader The Altucher Confidential: James Altucher Traders Features. Recommended For You Powered by Sailthru. Thanks to our partners. Registration options or use of this becoming constitutes acceptance of options Terms of Becoming and Privacy Policy. Disclaimer Commerce Policy Made in NYC. Stock quotes by options. becoming an options trader

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